Cruise, even if you don’t own a boat!

Don’t own a boat, but still want to feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face? Join the friendly souls in the NYC Weeknight Cruising and enjoy a cruise on one of many power or sail boats that welcome crew aboard. Experienced sailors, casual cruisers, complete novices: all are welcome to join the weeknight cruising program, which is included in the cost of membership and runs from June to the end of September. Sailboats and powerboats of all shapes and sizes participate, so you have the chance to find the boat and crew that is right for you! No Guests are permitted. 

Registration Information

Our weeknight cruises operate every Monday and Thursday (not on Holiday Mondays) and starts promptly at 5:30 PM, weather permitting (see notes below on weather cancellation policy).

2025 Schedule
Monday, June 2 to Thursday, September 25, 2025

Weeknight Cruising Registration/Daily Sign Up
The Weeknight Cruising program participation is by registration through the office only and must be done for each and every cruise.

All weeknight cruising participants must register in advance. To register call the club office at 416-260-8686 ext. 221 or email [email protected] with your name, skill level and member number every time. Those who arrive without registering may be turned away! 

Please note we do not accept requests to be on any specific boats. We try whenever possible to assign everyone on different boats for each cruise. Allocation will be on a first registered, first allocated basis.

You should arrive by 5:30 PM on the day of the cruise and check in with the On Dock Co-ordinators (near north doors on Lower Deck) to see what boat you have been allocated to. If you are not at your appointed boat by 5:45 PM, the Skipper may leave without you. Please remember, you should be there in any case to help get the boat ready to leave promptly at 6:00 PM.

Registration Timeline
10:00 AM Monday: registration opens for the following week
10:00 AM Friday: Deadline for Monday Cruises
10:00 AM Wednesday: Deadline for Thursday Cruises
Please Note:  Mobile phone numbers MUST be provided so we can reach you with any last minute changes

No Shows & Weather Cancellations

No shows create a problem for us, as all our skippers are volunteers and if there is no crew for a boat, then the skipper may have wasted their time in making their boat available. If you have registered for a cruise and can’t make it, please contact the Club office by 3:00 PM on the day of the cruise. If we have to cancel the cruise due to weather we will know by 3:00 PM on cruise day. Weather based cancellations will be communicated to you by email only. If you are unable to receive emails after 3:00 PM, please call the Club office to check if you are in any doubt about the weather on the particular day. We will also try to reach you on your mobile with last minute changes.

If we decide at 3:00 PM on any given day that the weather is in some doubt, we may not cancel but still each skipper will have the final decision at 5:30 PM if they deem it unsafe to go out.

Crew Etiquette

Every boat takes work to set up and shut down. Ask your skipper how you can lend a hand and prepare for the cruise and most importantly help your skipper shut down after the cruise. Assistance is always appreciated!

While out on the water, participants in the program are expected to actively participate in the evening cruise. Part of the fun of the program is getting involved in making the boat move, helping dock, hoisting sails, etc.

Remember also, any contributions of beverages and snacks for the cruise will be gratefully received. We do not expect our volunteer skippers to provide these at their own expense. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed by any one until after the cruise is over.

On Mondays please bring your own refreshments as the Club Bar/Restaurant is not open. 

Dress Code
Members and guests are asked to respect the volunteers’ boats and wear sport clothing and appropriate only non-marking-soled shoes when participating in the cruising crew bank. Dark soled shoes leave hard to clean marks on boat decks. Bare feet, Sandles, and Flip Flops are not allowed on boats at any time.

Minimum Age Requirement
The minimum age of any crew bank participant is 16 years of age or older.

On Board Safety
Please make sure that you understand that a boat can be a dangerous environment and any instructions given by the skipper are to be followed at all times. Remember that boating is a sport and crew need to be able to move about the boat when requested to do so.

Should you feel that you should voluntarily wear a life-jacket, the skipper will be happy to provide one. You are encouraged to bring your own. If however, during the cruise the skipper instructs the entire crew to put life jackets on, this instruction is to be followed immediately.

On the Dock Co-ordinators

We will expect all Crew to do some “On the Dock Co-ordination” during the season to extend the engagement of all Crew and Skippers in the program.

When you are asked to do this, your duties will involve:
  • Checking off Member and Skipper arrivals the evening of the cruise
  • Being in the Club noticeboard area outside the North doors by 5:15 PM
  • Making sure the Skippers are at the Club or on their boats and ready 
  • Making sure Crew that arrive for the cruise are checked off on the list posted on the board. 
  • Directing the Crew to the right Dock/Boat
  • Call anyone that has not arrived by 5:30 PM to find out where they are and let the Skippers know of any no-shows
  • When all Crew are present, join your own designated boat for the cruise that evening.
  • Post the completed list in the Office Mail Slot before leaving the Club.
Following these simple rules and regulations should ensure a very happy, safe and successful season of Weeknight Cruising at the NYC.